With so many sequels over the last couple of years, it's easy to forget that some follow-ups take a long time to get made.
Take, for example, "Dumb and Dumber To." The film, whose trailer was just released, took 20 years to get Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels to reprise their roles.
Other series like "Toy Story" and "Terminator" have also had belated installments, and while some have been successful, just as many have been flops.
"Star Wars: Episode VII" (2015; 32 years)
The biggest sequel time gap on our list is also one of the most anticipated, the next film in the "Star Wars" saga "Star Wars: Episode VII."
With the return of fan favorites like Harrison Ford, Mark Hamil, and Carrie Fisher along with a bunch of talented newcomers, "Episode VII" is bound to be the biggest "Star Wars" film since 1984's "Return of the Jedi."
Sure, the film is only 10 years off from "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" but considering that director JJ Abrams may be going back to the original trilogy's practical style (and many fans would like to just forget the prequels outright) we'll consider this a true sequel.
“Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps” (2010; 23 Years)
After an Oscar-winning performance for “Wall Street,” the announcement of a sequel with Michael Douglas more than two decades after the original was extremely exciting.
"Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" was met with decidedly mixed reviews. Some adored the references to the original film and loved the return of Douglas’ Gordon Gekko, while others were totally bored.
Shia LaBeouf, who was also in "Crystal Skull," also starred in the film.
“Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” (2008; 19 Years)
Everything seemed in place for the globe-trotting archaeologist to have another hit on his hands almost 20 years after 1989's “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade." Harrison Ford was back in the fedora and Steven Spielberg returned to the director’s chair.
However, "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" was a total letdown.
The story veered into alien territory (literally) and disappointed many fans of the series. There's always talk of another sequel, but if it’s anything like “Crystal Skull” we’d be afraid to see what they come up with next.
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